
These are some examples of previous talks that I have given at events as well as future ones I'd love to share. These are by no means completely polished talks, I'm constantly working on them to make them the best that they can be!

✨ Nevertheless, I persisted

First delivered in 2017 at GitHub Field Day. Also in 2018 at the Women in Tech Conference in Nottingham and 2019's at DWP Digital Voices.

Sharing stories is powerful. This is my story of my non-linear path into technology that first came about from a hobby. I share my struggles at school, confusion at university, inspiring discoveries, blockers and how you can kick-start your career - no matter who you are.

Slides | Video (WiT) | Video (DWP) | Video (GHFD)

👩🏻‍💻 Building an online presence

First delivered in 2017 at The University of Sheffield. Also in 2018 at Northern Power Futures in Manchester.

Having a good personal brand, especially in our growing digital world is increasingly becoming very important. Inspired by my placement year in communications as well as my growing social media presence, I share my story, why it is important to be on social media, the ways that you can improve your digital presence and why you should remain authentic throughout this.

Video (TUoS) | Blog post

💜 The life-changing impact of communities

First delivered in 2017 at the Sheffield Ruby User Group.

Using the example of Code First: Girls, I share the impact of communities and what we did with the local Sheffield student community to really make everyone thrive.

Slides | Video (Sheffield)

👩🏽‍🔬 Diversifying Tech

First delivered in 2019 at BCS South Yorkshire Branch. Also 2019 at DevOps Sheffied.

I will be talking about the importance of diverse teams, using stories of how much of an impact this has had in my career so far and ways that we can together improve diversity and inclusion of the technical workforce.

Slides | Video (BCS South Yorkshire Branch)

🧘🏻‍♀️ The Breaking Point: Recovering from Burnout

First delivered in 2019 at Ladies of Code Leeds. Also 2020 at #YouGotThisConf from Home.

Being in an industry that technically doesn’t stop, we can all get caught up with chasing on what the next new shiny thing there is to learn or take part in. As someone who was keen and ambitious in “breaking through” the industry, I found myself thinly spread to a point that was unhealthy and potentially dangerous long-term. Burnout is real. In this talk, I’ll share experiences as well as tips on helping spot patterns that lead to burnout and how to deal with it before it gets out of hand.

Slides (LCL) | Slides (YGTConf) | Video (YGTConf)

📝 Thoughts into pixels: the impact of blogging

First delivered in 2020 at WiTNotts

Blogging has boomed in popularity over the past couple of years with thousands of different bloggers converting their thoughts into pixels. But why? In this talk, I’ll be sharing the origins of my blogging story, why you should start a blog and how you can get started.

Slides | Video (WiTNotts)

💻 Encouraging the Future: my learnings

Ready, but yet to be delivered

I will be sharing my key learnings since that first day as a developer-intern-doing-a-biomedical-sciences-degree to today, as a digital engineering graduate 3 years on - from both an individual and organisational POV. My aim is to shed some light on the importance of cultivating an environment that welcomes newbies


🚀 Falling Up

Ready, but yet to be delivered

We all go through adversity and this is something we usually can’t change; it is what it is. But what isn’t fixed is how we react to it. I will be sharing my experiences and stories on failure, the lessons I learnt and how you can not only bounce back up but propel yourself in another direction: upwards.


Apparently this is what I look like when I'm in the zone 🙈

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